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우리로 치면 편의점 같은 유럽의 기업이 자동화된 나노 스토어 비즈니스를 진행하는 사례입니다.


Żabka Group launches autonomous Nano stores





As the largest modern convenience store chain in Poland, Żabka Group has made it its mission to understand and anticipate the needs of its customers—providing products and services that make their lives easier. Now, the company is launching Nano stores offering autonomous, frictionless, unmanned retail experiences designed to deliver the ultimate in convenience to customers. Using AI-powered real-time computer vision technology from AiFi to track customer behavior and product selection, and Microsoft Cloud for Retail to support data centralization, analysis, and solution scalability, Żabka is creating personalized customer journeys that are receiving high customer satisfaction ratings. In addition, Żabka is increasing operational efficiencies, gaining more foot traffic, and passing on cost savings to its customers.


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