지난 Microsoft Ignite 2022에서 발표된 내용이라 연계해 간략히 정리.

Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL가 발표되었고, 관련해 OSS 프로젝트인 Citus 정리.



Citus란 무엇인가?

Citus is a PostgreSQL extension that transforms Postgres into a distributed database—so you can achieve high performance at any scale.


PostgreSQL에 분산데이터베이스를 제공하는 확장기능.


로컬 구성과 클라우드 환경에서 구성

로컬구성: https://docs.citusdata.com/en/stable/installation/single_node.html

클라우드: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/postgresql/quickstart-create-portal


분산테이블 SQL 간단 예제

일반적인 분산 테이블 아키텍처와 코드

select statement parallelized across shards

아키텍처 컨셉 참조: https://docs.citusdata.com/en/stable/get_started/concepts.html


예제 코드

Creating Distributed Tables
The create_distributed_table UDF will transparently shard your table locally or across the worker nodes:

  device_id bigint,
  event_id bigserial,
  event_time timestamptz default now(),
  data jsonb not null,
  PRIMARY KEY (device_id, event_id)

-- distribute the events table across shards placed locally or on the worker nodes
SELECT create_distributed_table('events', 'device_id');
After this operation, queries for a specific device ID will be efficiently routed to a single worker node, while queries across device IDs will be parallelized across the cluster.

-- insert some events
INSERT INTO events (device_id, data)
SELECT s % 100, ('{"measurement":'||random()||'}')::jsonb FROM generate_series(1,1000000) s;

-- get the last 3 events for device 1, routed to a single node
SELECT * FROM events WHERE device_id = 1 ORDER BY event_time DESC, event_id DESC LIMIT 3;
│ device_id │ event_id │          event_time           │                 data                  │
│         1 │  1999901 │ 2021-03-04 16:00:31.189963+00 │ {"measurement": 0.88722643925054}     │
│         1 │  1999801 │ 2021-03-04 16:00:31.189963+00 │ {"measurement": 0.6512231304621992}   │
│         1 │  1999701 │ 2021-03-04 16:00:31.189963+00 │ {"measurement": 0.019368766051897524} │
(3 rows)

Time: 4.588 ms

-- explain plan for a query that is parallelized across shards, which shows the plan for
-- a query one of the shards and how the aggregation across shards is done
│                                     QUERY PLAN                                     │
│ Aggregate                                                                          │
│   Output: COALESCE((pg_catalog.sum(remote_scan.count))::bigint, '0'::bigint)       │
│   ->  Custom Scan (Citus Adaptive)                                                 │
│         ...                                                                        │
│         ->  Task                                                                   │
│               Query: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM events_102008 events WHERE true │
│               Node: host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres                       │
│               ->  Aggregate                                                        │
│                     ->  Seq Scan on public.events_102008 events                    │


분산데이터베이스의 특성상 instance provision이 자유로운 cloud를 택한것은 좋은 선택.

Postgres를 사용하는 여러 기업 고객들에게 좋은 옵션이 될 것으로 예상.






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