인덱스 상세 정보 확인
- Version : SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2014
테이블 또는 뷰의 인덱스에 관한 정보를 확인하기 위해서 sp_helpindex를 많이 사용한다. Sp_helpindex는 SQL Server 2005부터 지원하고 있다.
use AdventureWorks2012 go
exec sp_helpindex 'Sales.SalesOrderdetail' |
열 이름 | 데이터 형식 | 설명 |
Index_name | Sysname | 인덱스 이름 |
Index_description | Varchar(21) | 인덱스가 있는 파일 그룹을 포함하는 인덱스 설명 |
Index_keys | Nvarchar(2078) | 인덱스가 만들어진 테이블 또는 뷰의 열 |
Sp_helpindex의 경우 기본 정보만 확인 할 수 있으며 포괄열이나 인덱스 사이즈, Fill Factor, 인덱스 타입등은 나타내지 않는다. Sys.table, sys.indexes, sys.index_columns, sys.columns 테이블의 정보를 활용하여 인덱스의 다양한 정보를 확인 할 수 있다.
declare @SchemaName sysname=NULL , @TableName sysname=NULL , @IndexName sysname=NULL , @dataspace sysname=NULL
set @SchemaName = 'Sales' set @TableName = 'SalesOrderDetail' --set @IndexName = 'AK_SalesOrderDetail_rowguid'
declare @_SchemaName varchar(100) declare @_TableName varchar(256) declare @_IndexName varchar(256) declare @ColumnName varchar(256) declare @is_unique varchar(100) declare @IndexTypeDesc varchar(100) declare @FileGroupName varchar(100) declare @is_disabled varchar(100) declare @IndexColumnId int declare @IsDescendingKey int declare @IsIncludedColumn int
-- getting the index sizes SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) [SchemaName], OBJECT_NAME(ix.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, ix.name AS IndexName, CAST( 8 * SUM(a.used_pages)/1024.0 AS DECIMAL(20,1))AS 'Indexsize(MB)' INTO #IndexSizeTable from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.partitions AS p ON p.OBJECT_ID = ix.OBJECT_ID AND p.index_id = ix.index_id inner join sys.allocation_units AS a ON a.container_id = p.partition_id WHERE ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and t.name=isnull(@TableName,t.name) AND ix.name=isnull(@IndexName, ix.name) GROUP BY schema_name(t.schema_id), ix.OBJECT_ID,ix.name ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(ix.OBJECT_ID),ix.name
--getting important properties of indexes select schema_name(t.schema_id) [SchemaName], t.name TableName, ix.name IndexName, cast( '' as varchar(max)) AS IndexKeys, casT('' as varchar(max)) AS IncludedColumns, ix.is_unique , ix.type_desc, ix.fill_factor as [Fill_Factor] , ix.is_disabled , da.name as data_space, ix.is_padded, ix.allow_page_locks, ix.allow_row_locks, INDEXPROPERTY(t.object_id, ix.name, 'IsAutoStatistics') IsAutoStatistics , ix.ignore_dup_key INTO #helpindex from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.data_spaces da on da.data_space_id= ix.data_space_id where ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and t.name=isnull(@TableName,t.name) AND ix.name=isnull(@IndexName, ix.name) and da.name=isnull(@dataspace,da.name) order by schema_name(t.schema_id), t.name, ix.name
---getting the index keys and included columns declare CursorIndex cursor for select schema_name(t.schema_id) [schema_name], t.name, ix.name from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id where ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and t.name=isnull(@TableName,t.name) AND ix.name=isnull(@IndexName, ix.name) order by schema_name(t.schema_id), t.name, ix.name open CursorIndex fetch next from CursorIndex into @_SchemaName, @_TableName, @_IndexName while (@@fetch_status=0) begin declare @IndexColumns varchar(4000) declare @IncludedColumns varchar(4000) set @IndexColumns='' set @IncludedColumns='' declare CursorIndexColumn cursor for select col.name, ixc.is_descending_key, ixc.is_included_column from sys.tables tb inner join sys.indexes ix on tb.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.index_columns ixc on ix.object_id=ixc.object_id and ix.index_id= ixc.index_id inner join sys.columns col on ixc.object_id =col.object_id and ixc.column_id=col.column_id where ix.type>0 and tb.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(tb.schema_id)=@_SchemaName and tb.name=@_TableName and ix.name=@_IndexName order by ixc.index_column_id
open CursorIndexColumn fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn while (@@fetch_status=0) begin if @IsIncludedColumn=0 set @IndexColumns=@IndexColumns + @ColumnName +', ' else set @IncludedColumns=@IncludedColumns + @ColumnName +', '
fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn end close CursorIndexColumn deallocate CursorIndexColumn
set @IndexColumns = substring(@IndexColumns, 1, len(@IndexColumns)-1) set @IncludedColumns = case when len(@IncludedColumns) >0 then substring(@IncludedColumns, 1, len(@IncludedColumns)-1) else '' end
UPDATE #helpindex SET IndexKeys = @IndexColumns, IncludedColumns=@IncludedColumns WHERE [SchemaName]=@_SchemaName and TableName=@_TableName and IndexName=@_IndexName
fetch next from CursorIndex into @_SchemaName, @_TableName, @_IndexName
end close CursorIndex deallocate CursorIndex
--showing the results SELECT hi.SchemaName, hi.TableName, hi.IndexName, hi.IndexKeys, hi.IncludedColumns, ixs.[Indexsize(MB)], hi.is_unique, hi.type_desc,hi.data_space, hi.Fill_Factor, hi.IsAutoStatistics, hi.is_disabled, hi.is_padded, hi.allow_page_locks, hi.allow_row_locks,hi.ignore_dup_key FROM #helpindex hi INNER JOIN #IndexSizeTable ixs ON hi.SchemaName=ixs.SchemaName and hi.TableName=ixs.TableName and hi.IndexName=ixs.IndexName order by hi.SchemaName, hi.TableName, hi.IndexKeys, hi.IncludedColumns
drop table #helpindex drop table #IndexSizeTable |
위 스크립트를 프로시로 만들기
use [master] go
create proc dbo.sp_helpindex2 ( @SchemaName sysname=NULL , @TableName sysname=NULL , @IndexName sysname=NULL , @dataspace sysname=NULL ) AS
BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON declare @_SchemaName varchar(100) declare @_TableName varchar(256) declare @_IndexName varchar(256) declare @ColumnName varchar(256) declare @is_unique varchar(100) declare @IndexTypeDesc varchar(100) declare @FileGroupName varchar(100) declare @is_disabled varchar(100) declare @IndexColumnId int declare @IsDescendingKey int declare @IsIncludedColumn int
-- getting the index sizes SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) [SchemaName], OBJECT_NAME(ix.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, ix.name AS IndexName, CAST( 8 * SUM(a.used_pages)/1024.0 AS DECIMAL(20,1))AS 'Indexsize(MB)' INTO #IndexSizeTable from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.partitions AS p ON p.OBJECT_ID = ix.OBJECT_ID AND p.index_id = ix.index_id inner join sys.allocation_units AS a ON a.container_id = p.partition_id WHERE ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and t.name=isnull(@TableName,t.name) AND ix.name=isnull(@IndexName, ix.name) GROUP BY schema_name(t.schema_id), ix.OBJECT_ID,ix.name ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(ix.OBJECT_ID),ix.name
--getting important properties of indexes select schema_name(t.schema_id) [SchemaName], t.name TableName, ix.name IndexName, cast( '' as varchar(max)) AS IndexKeys, casT('' as varchar(max)) AS IncludedColumns, ix.is_unique , ix.type_desc, ix.fill_factor as [Fill_Factor] , ix.is_disabled , da.name as data_space, ix.is_padded, ix.allow_page_locks, ix.allow_row_locks, INDEXPROPERTY(t.object_id, ix.name, 'IsAutoStatistics') IsAutoStatistics , ix.ignore_dup_key INTO #helpindex from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.data_spaces da on da.data_space_id= ix.data_space_id where ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and t.name=isnull(@TableName,t.name) AND ix.name=isnull(@IndexName, ix.name) and da.name=isnull(@dataspace,da.name) order by schema_name(t.schema_id), t.name, ix.name
---getting the index keys and included columns declare CursorIndex cursor for select schema_name(t.schema_id) [schema_name], t.name, ix.name from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id where ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and t.name=isnull(@TableName,t.name) AND ix.name=isnull(@IndexName, ix.name) order by schema_name(t.schema_id), t.name, ix.name open CursorIndex fetch next from CursorIndex into @_SchemaName, @_TableName, @_IndexName while (@@fetch_status=0) begin declare @IndexColumns varchar(4000) declare @IncludedColumns varchar(4000) set @IndexColumns='' set @IncludedColumns='' declare CursorIndexColumn cursor for select col.name, ixc.is_descending_key, ixc.is_included_column from sys.tables tb inner join sys.indexes ix on tb.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.index_columns ixc on ix.object_id=ixc.object_id and ix.index_id= ixc.index_id inner join sys.columns col on ixc.object_id =col.object_id and ixc.column_id=col.column_id where ix.type>0 and tb.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(tb.schema_id)=@_SchemaName and tb.name=@_TableName and ix.name=@_IndexName order by ixc.index_column_id
open CursorIndexColumn fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn while (@@fetch_status=0) begin if @IsIncludedColumn=0 set @IndexColumns=@IndexColumns + @ColumnName +', ' else set @IncludedColumns=@IncludedColumns + @ColumnName +', '
fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn end close CursorIndexColumn deallocate CursorIndexColumn
set @IndexColumns = substring(@IndexColumns, 1, len(@IndexColumns)-1) set @IncludedColumns = case when len(@IncludedColumns) >0 then substring(@IncludedColumns, 1, len(@IncludedColumns)-1) else '' end
UPDATE #helpindex SET IndexKeys = @IndexColumns, IncludedColumns=@IncludedColumns WHERE [SchemaName]=@_SchemaName and TableName=@_TableName and IndexName=@_IndexName
fetch next from CursorIndex into @_SchemaName, @_TableName, @_IndexName
end close CursorIndex deallocate CursorIndex
--showing the results SELECT hi.SchemaName, hi.TableName, hi.IndexName, hi.IndexKeys, hi.IncludedColumns, ixs.[Indexsize(MB)], hi.is_unique, hi.type_desc,hi.data_space, hi.Fill_Factor, hi.IsAutoStatistics, hi.is_disabled, hi.is_padded, hi.allow_page_locks, hi.allow_row_locks,hi.ignore_dup_key FROM #helpindex hi INNER JOIN #IndexSizeTable ixs ON hi.SchemaName=ixs.SchemaName and hi.TableName=ixs.TableName and hi.IndexName=ixs.IndexName order by hi.SchemaName, hi.TableName, hi.IndexKeys, hi.IncludedColumns
drop table #helpindex drop table #IndexSizeTable
set nocount off end |
모든 데이터베이스에서 실행 할 수 있도록 시스템 오브젝트로 등록한다.
use master go
exec sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_helpindex2 |
Sp_helpindex2 호출 시 다양한 파라메터 조합으로 인덱스 정보를 조회 할 수 있다.
exec sp_helpindex2 exec sp_helpindex2 @schemaName = 'Sales', @TableName = 'SalesOrderDetail' exec sp_helpindex2 @schemaName = 'Sales', @TableName = 'SalesOrderDetail', @IndexName = 'AK_SalesOrderDetail_rowguid' exec sp_helpindex2 @DataSpace = 'Primary' |
강성욱 / jevida@naver.com
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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