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외국계 전자회사에서 SAP ERP 전문가(사원~대리급)를 찾습니다.
* Job Title: IT Specialist (IT Specialist under solutions team)
* Position: 사원~대리급
* Location: 서울


- Understand business processes and manage business requirements
- Develop, implement and maintain IT services for local business mainly based on SAP ERP
- Contribute to IT projects as a project member
- Contribute to make active organization culture and collaborate together
- Work together with business stakeholders and IT managers through proper reports and communication
- Communicate and collaborate with region/global IT team


- 2 to 4 years Experience 
- University Education (Preferred Major : Computer Science Related)
- Overall understanding for SAP processes (such as FI, CO, SD, MM) and project experience
- Experience for ABAP programming language
- Interest in new IT trends
- Communication and presentation skill
- English communication skills
- Experience for JAVA programming language Optional
- Project management knowledge Optional
- Experience for IT Audit Optional
- Japanese communication skills Optional

Those who are interested in this opportunity, please submit your Resume in MS Word Format by email urgently.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted for interview.
All resumes not contacted will be kept in DB confidentially for future positions.

Kyung Jin KIM
CEO & Executive Search Consultant
Exdigm Inc
Email: ceo@exdigm.com

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