Senior Application Engineer

hrconsultings 2017.05.05 08:13 Views : 4399

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이력서 제출 방식  
모집 상세내역 기술  
복리후생 정보 기술  
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<이력서 제출 웹페이지 주소> 또는 이력서를 제출할 구인 담당자의 <회사 메일 주소>  
인사 담당자 전화번호  
회사 대표 전화번호  
회사 업종  
회사 공식 홈페이지  
* Develop tailored solutions, proof-of-concept models, and prototypes for strategic customers using tools in signal processing and communications applications. 
 * Capture customer requirements to help marketing and development teams define new products and enhancements to existing products. 
 * Contribute to all aspects of the product development process, from writing functional specifications through to developing software features. 
 * Build application examples, with a focus on model-based design, fixed-point modeling, and automatic C/HDL code generation. 

Minimum Qualifications
· A bachelor's degree and 7 years of professional work experience (or a master's degree and 5 years of professional work experience, or a PhD degree) is required.
Additional Qualifications
* M.S. or Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. 
 * At least 4 years industry experience. 
 * In-depth experience in implementing signal processing and communications algorithms. 
 * Strong C programming skills.

Experience in the following areas is a plus: 
 * Communication systems engineering. 
 * Wireless communications standards. 
 * RADAR systems
 * RF and Antenna knowledge 
 * DSPs and embedded software.
 * FPGAs.
 * Systems integration and Verification   
 * MATLAB, Simulink, or Stateflow.

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