ssas 서비스가 실행 중인 상태에서, master.vmp 파일을 삭제 되었습니다.
이상태에서, 문제가 될만한게 없을까요??
테스트 해보니, 서비스는 정상처리 되고, master.vmp 파일은 다시 생성되나,
안에 내용은 전혀 틀린파일이 생성되더라구요,,
구글링을 해보니, 아래처럼 나오는데, 무슨 말인지 잘 이해가 안가네요,,,
혹시 해당건에 대해 알고 계시거나 하신분들 계시면, 코맨트 부탁 드립니다.
The master.vmp file is the master version map that contains the GUIDS for all of the objects and the version of each object that currently exists on the server.
When the server starts, it looks at the master.vmp file and attempts to find each of the objects referenced in the file. If there are objects in the data directory that don't have a corresponding GUID in master.vmp, those objects are deleted. If the master.vmp doesn't exist when the server starts, the server creates a new master.vmp file and deletes all of the objects in the data directory.
If you lost the master.vmp file, then everything in the data directory will be deleted from the data directory, and there is no way to recover the database unless you either have a current backup of the database OR have a copy of the database project as it existed on the server.