A서버 B서버 서로 replication을 걸어놓았는데
일정시간마다 replication에러가 발생한걸 확인했습니다.
message : the job was invoked by schedule 10(replication agent schedule).the last step to
run was step1(run agent)
delete failed becuase the following set options have incorrect settings
ANSI_NULLS.QUOTED_IDENTIFIER. verify that set options are correcte for
use with indexed views and/or indexs on computed and/or filtered indexes
and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods
and/or spartial indexes operations [SQLSATE 42000(error 1934)]
the merge process could not clean up the conflict table A for publication B
(error 20709) the step failed
힌트좀 주실분 ㅜ
Comment 1
2016.05.25 15:12
근데이건읽어봐도 잘모르겠네요.,,