무엇이 잘못된건가요?

유병곤 2017.01.16 11:43 Views : 2613

select regyear,((select maechul from operationSmt where id='6218144750' and regyear=(select max(regyear)-2 from operationSmt) as danggi_maedchul/CASE WHEN (select maechul from operationSmt where id='6218144750' and regyear=(select max(regyear)-3 from operationSmt)) IS_NULL THEN 1 ELSE (select maechul from operationSmt where id='6218144750' and regyear=(select max(regyear)-3 from operationSmt)) END AS jeonggi_maechul))*100-100 as maechul from operationSmt where id = '6218144750' and regyear = (select max(regyear)-2 from operationSmt)

CASE WHEN (select maechul from operationSmt where id='6218144750' and regyear=(select max(regyear)-3 from operationSmt)) IS_NULL THEN 1 ELSE (select maechul from operationSmt where id='6218144750' and regyear=(select max(regyear)-3 from operationSmt)) END AS jeonggi_maechul))

이부분에서 오류가 발행하는데요... null값일 경우 1을 아닐경우는 값을 나타내려합니다.

어떻게 하면 될까요?

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