공부하던 도중 ..

CREATE TABLE easy_drinks
 drink_name VARCHAR(20), main VARCHAR(20), amount1 DEC(3,2), second VARCHAR(20), amount2 DEC(3,2), directions VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO easy_drinks
('Blackthorn' , 'tonic water' , 1.5 , 'pineapple juice' , 1 , 'stir with ice, strain into cocktail glass with lemon twist'),
('Blue Moon' , 'soda' , 1.5 , 'blueberry juice' , 0.75 , 'stir with ice, strain into cocktail glass with lemon twist'),
('Oh My Gosh' , 'peach nectar' , 1 , 'pineapple juice' , 1 , 'stir with ice, strain into shot glass'),
('Lime Fizz' , 'Sprite' , 1.5 , 'lime juice' , 0.75 , 'stir with ice , strain into cocktail glass'),
('Kiss on the Lips' , 'cherry juice' , 2 , 'apricot nectar' , 7 , 'serve over ice with straw'),
('Hot Gold' , 'peach nectar' , 3 , 'orange juice' , 6 , 'pour hot orange juice in mug and add peach nectar'),
('Lone Tree' , 'soda' , 1.5 , 'cherry juice', 0.75 , 'stir with ice, strain into cocktail glass'),
('Greyhound' , 'soda' , 1.5 , 'grapefruit juice' , 5 , 'serve over ice, stir well'),
('Indian Summer' , 'apple juice' , 2 , 'hot tea' , 6 , 'add juice to mug and top off with hot tea'),
('Bull Frog' , 'iced tea' , 1.5 , 'lemonade' , 5 , 'serve over ice with lime slice'),
('Soda and It' , 'soda' , 2 , 'grape juice' , 1 , 'shake in cocktail glass, no ice');

테이블을 만들고 값들을 넣었습니다.

문제는  amount1 DEC(3,2) 이 필드의 값들이 1.5 ,  3, 2 등등 있는데 1.5가 2로 출력되어 나옵니다.

실수(소수값)값으로 나오지않고 정수값으로 2.0 이 출력되는데 왜그런가요?

뒤에있는  amount2 DEC(3,2) 는 제대로 실수값으로 출력되는데 앞의  amount1 DEC(3,2)는 값중 1.5가 2.0으로 출력되어 나옵니다..


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